
IoT Based Disease Detection and Plant Health Monitoring System

(Aug 2021 - Nov 2021)

This was our Capstone Project in the 7th Semester. In this project, we proposed a method of IOT based Disease Detection and Plant Health Monitoring System. With the help of IoT and Sensors, an ecosystem was been created which can keep an eye on the crop as well as monitor its health.
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Application of IoT in Smart Navigation

(Jan 2021 - May 2021)

This was a research and development project in my 6th Semester. In this project, we design a web-based application from which the user can easily navigate NU Campus and save time. And for ease of use and a sense of diversity, we offer both Outdoor and Indoor Navigation together in one platform (Smart Navigation).
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PID Balance+Ball

(Jan 2021 - May 2021)

This project was in my 6th Semester. The project’s main purpose was to develop a ball balancing system to keep a ball balanced on a beam using a microcontroller and related control algorithm to adjust the angle of the beam with real-time sensory feedback.

Line Follower using PID

(Jan 2021 - May 2021)

This project was in also my 6th Semester. The main objective of this project was to design a line follower robot with a PID controller and to see differences and bring changes to make it more perfect for future industries.

Simulating CSMA/CD Protocol

(Oct 2020 - Dec 2020)

This project was in my 5th Semester. The main objective of this project was to create scenario and study the performance of CSMA/CD Protocol through simulation.
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PWM based Speed Controller Architecture & Operation

(Jul 2020 - Jul 2020)

This was a research assignment on PWM based Speed Controller. I researched the architectural and operational aspects of this device setup. Based on my research, I found significant insights into the speed of the DC motor and how economically it can be moderated to achieve high reliability and low operational costs.

Echo Generation and Cancellation

(Mar 2020 - Jul 2020)

This was a project on Echo generation and cancellation. I researched how an echo is generated and how to cancel the echo and then implemented it using MATLAB software.
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Hydro Infinity

(May 2020 - Jun 2020)

The project idea was saving water by introducing water management and monitoring system. The software system determines the excess usage of water to a certain threshold. It’ll detect the user and show the volume of their water usage. There’d be a calculated volume of water allotted to each user which will be based on many calculations, when the user exceeds that amount they’ll be charged for it.
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Learning and Memory

(Jun 2020 - Jun 2020)

This was a project assignment, where we made a video about Learning and Memory. The video starts with explaining What is Learning, then, Theories of Learning, and, What is Memory, and examples.

DSP, Sampling, and Duty Cycle

(Mar 2020 - Mar 2020)

This was a video presentation, where we made a video about DSP, Sampling, and Duty Cycle. The video starts with explaining about DSP and its applications and then about sampling, types of sampling, the effect of duty cycle, and filtered outputs of low pass filters.

Plant Monitoring System

(Nov 2019 - Dec 2019)

In this project, we created product called "Plant Monitoring System" which will notify the user when the air quality, temperature, moisture, or humidity goes beyond a certain level set by the user. It will show the air quality in PPM on the LCD so that the necessary conditions required for the plant can be monitored very easily.
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Hand Gestures Controlled Computer

(Jan 2019 - Apr 2019)

In this project, the functionality of controlling a computer with Hand Gestures is implemented using the powerful combination of Arduino and Python.
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(Feb 2019 - Apr 2019)

This was a presentation assignment on Rectifiers, where we made two videos and a webpage. The first video is about the Half Wave Rectifier, its working, and its applications. The second video is about Full Wave Bridge Rectifier, its working, the difference between Full Wave Bridge Rectifier and Full Wave Rectifier, and its applications.
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